How Does Media Convergence Affect Literacy?

BY ANA MARIE SUAREZ Before the rise of new technology, mainstream media─ like television and newspapers─ was used in delivering various information to a wide variety of audiences and/or consumers. People intend to buy a newspaper whenever they want to read local news or listen to a radio to know the latest news. Students have... Continue Reading →

An essay on “How does Media Convergence affect Concepts of Literacy”

by laura alexandra migallen In this generation, accessing information has become easier. Looking for something has become as easy as carrying a mobile phone, which is lighter than encyclopedia, pocket dictionary and the like, but has wider coverage than all of those combined. Television has also dominated the Mass Media in conveying information, news or... Continue Reading →

by Iris Aringo Media convergence received interesting opinions --the possibility of all good  things in one package was too good it’s scary. Before, newspapers were for news,  telephones for keeping in touch, and televisions were for entertainment. Now, media companies want all the audiences for themselves so they make their business a one-stop shop where... Continue Reading →

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